Everything You Need, by Dr David Jeremiah
Map to Stumble-Proof Living, by David Jeremiah
an amazing fold-out Bible Study Chart

(included with your book!)

Dr David Jeremiah

From David Jeremiah

Discover God's Power to Meet Your Deepest Needs

Everything You Need, by Dr David Jeremiah

Dr David Jeremiah Are you searching for greater confidence, purpose, and peace in your life? Are the pressures of this world weighing you down? If you’re overwhelmed, there’s help at your fingertips—help that will give you everything you need to walk life’s journey with resilience and strength.

Journey through 2 Peter 1:3-11 with Dr Jeremiah and explore the path to spiritual and personal transformation—the path that leads from God’s precious promises to His abundant blessings.

It’s time to unpack all that God has provided and take your next step toward a life of confidence in His promises. You already have everything you need!

Turning Point's First Ever Multi-Generational Campaign

Passages Airship Genesis

We are presenting the timeless truth of Everything You Need in three distinct formats, including a chapter book for kids from Airship Genesis and the debut of PASSAGES online content for young adults....

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Filmed Live In NYC

Interview with David Jeremiah

Everything You Need Interview

David Jeremiah and Sheila Walsh discuss how to harness the power of eight essential tools God has given you for confident living.

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For the First Time Ever

Multi-Generational Teaching

This is the first series in Turning Point’s history to offer multi-generational teaching

Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world includes reaching the next generations. Technology, social media, cultural norms, political influence, and weakening moral standards create a world of insurmountable spiritual challenges... challenges we never had to face growing up. To reach our young people, we must go where they are and offer a message more powerful and relevant to their lives than what they are finding in the world.


Studies show that most believers come to know Christ as Savior when they are a young child or adult. The older one becomes, the less likely they will be to make a decision to follow Christ.

The generations coming up behind us need to know that God has given us everything we need to live a life of promise—a life that is godly, productive and fruitful, and filled with unimaginable blessings.

One timeless message. Three distinct formats. All for God's glory!

Everything You Need

Look Inside

Everything You Need, by Dr David Jeremiah
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Everything You Need Series Preview
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Full-Length Interview
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When you feel like giving up...
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What does it mean to be "virtuous"?


The power of pursuing the Lord with all your heart.


The joy of a God-pleasing life.


The accelerated growth that comes from knowing God better.


The skill of bringing your habits under the Holy Spirit's control.


The resilience that casts off disappointment and discouragement.


The mirror image of Christ in your personality.


The friendliness that draws people to yourself and Jesus.


The essence of serving God and others.


The seven blessings that await you!

Everything You Need

Excerpt from Chapter 1

Excerpt from Chapter 1
When conditions turned deadly, she realized she didn’t have everything she needed for the elements.

The Pacific Crest Trail is one of the...

most beautiful but demanding hikes in the world—2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada. It runs through California, Oregon, and Washington, winding through desert wastelands, along breathtaking ridges, and beside glaciated expanses.

In 2018, Katharina Groene traveled from Germany to experience the PCT for herself. She made it northbound over two thousand miles, all the way to Washington State. For a couple of hours on October 22, she fell in with Nancy Abell of Seattle. As they parted, Nancy, a lifelong local hiker, worried about Katharina. The German didn’t have snowshoes and wasn’t prepared for the next leg of the trip, which negotiated Glacier Peak. Nancy tried to dissuade Katharina from continuing, but to no avail. Katharina was five months into her trip. She wasn’t about to quit.

Katharina soon regretted her decision. When conditions turned deadly, she realized she didn’t have everything she needed for the elements. Her clothing was soaked, and her shoes were no match for the snow and ice. She became dehydrated and hungry, with only a Pop-Tart left in her pack. One of her two tarps blew away, and she lost two pairs of gloves. Frostbite set in. She had no phone service.

Soon, Katharina came to believe she would perish in the wilds of the North Cascades. She even started composing goodbye messages to her loved ones.

Then she heard a sound through the biting wind: blades chopping the air. A rescue helicopter appeared—a HAWK1 from Snohomish, flying low and sweeping just under the heavy clouds. The pilots had their heads out, following Katharina’s tracks in the snow until they finally spotted her in her red jacket near a stand of old timber.

How did the rescue team know to look for her? How did they find her? The credit goes to Nancy Abell, who couldn’t stop thinking about her new friend. Seeing the storm blowing in, she instinctively knew Katharina was in trouble. Nancy notified the authorities, and the search was on. Katharina was saved.

Like a hiker in the wild, we sometimes find ourselves stranded and isolated, caught in an unexpected storm, even endangered by life’s circumstances. It’s dangerous to be ill-equipped for the journey. When we haven’t packed the right gear, we’re underprepared, overexposed, and at risk of the elements.

That is never God’s plan for us. Like a divine Outfitter, He wants to give us everything we need for the journey. He knows how to equip us to be people of character, able to face the ruggedness of the world with dignity and strength. He furnishes all we need for every condition. But we’ve got to turn from our meager resources and embrace the abundant ones He provides.

1 2 3

You've Got This Because He's Got You!

Included With Your Book

Discover 10 tips to stumble-proof living

When you request Everything You Need, you will automatically receive David Jeremiah’s Map to Stumble-Proof Living.

This fold-out Bible study chart contains 10 sets of tips for living a stumble-proof life. Topics include:

  • 9 Principles for Financing Your Journey
  • How to Identify Your Spiritual Gifts
  • 7 Common Pitfalls on the Path to Spiritual Maturity
  • The 5-Step Journey to Spiritual Growth
  • 5 Steps to Effective Prayer
  • Pathways to Prayer
  • and more!

Yours Free, when you request a copy of Everything You Need

Map to Stumble-Proof Living - a Turning Point Exclusive! Map to Stumble-Proof Living - a Turning Point Exclusive!

Everything You Need

Navigation Scripture Cards


Included With Every Set

Navigation Scripture Cards -- Included with Every Set
Navigation Scripture Card - Promise
Navigation Scripture Card - Diligence
Navigation Scripture Card - Virtue
Navigation Scripture Card - Knowledge
Navigation Scripture Card - Self-Control

Use diligence, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love to help you navigate through life and unearth the promises of God! Dr Jeremiah has put together ten Scripture cards, one for each topic he covers in his book, that will support your quest to be sure-footed and to live a stumble-proof life. Each card lists four Scriptures that will encourage you toward the characteristic you are striving to master.

Navigation Scripture Cards

These cards are perfect for Bible bookmarks, or to place in strategic places at home or work as you try to internalize and memorize these Scriptures.

These cards are included with every set

Navigation Scripture Cards -- Included with Every Set

Navigation Scripture Card - Perseverance
Navigation Scripture Card - Godliness
Navigation Scripture Card - Brotherly Kindness
Navigation Scripture Card - Love
Navigation Scripture Card - Blessings
Everything You Need

Request Your Resources:

Everything You Need, by Dr David Jeremiah PLUS the Map to Stumble-Proof Living
With a gift of any amount
Everything You Need
You'll receive:
  • Everything You Need hardback book
  • Map to Stumble-Proof Living
Everything You Need Set
With a gift of AUD$75 or more
Everything You Need Set
You'll receive:
  • Everything You Need hardback book
  • Map to Stumble-Proof Living
  • Correlating study guide with small group questions
  • Complete message series on video DVD or audio CD
  • Everything You Need Interview with Sheila Walsh
  • Navigation Scripture Cards
Thirty Days to Everything You Need - Experience Guide
30 Days to Everything You Need Experience Guide
Two Great Ways to Receive Your Experience Guide:
Experience Pack
With a gift of AUD$50 or more
  1. Experience Pack
    You'll receive the Experience Guide, book, and map
Premium Set
With a gift of AUD$100 or more
  1. Premium Set
    You'll receive everything in the Everything You Need Set, plus the Experience Guide

Everything You Need

30 Days to Everything You Need Experience Guide

Thirty Days To Everything You Need - Experience Guide Thirty Days To Everything You Need - Experience Guide

Diligence, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love—do you want to grow in each of these godly character traits?

In this thirty-day experience guide, David Jeremiah walks you through the principles found in 2 Peter 1:3-11. Along the way, you will learn how to apply the content from the correlating book, Everything You Need, to your life and make immediate changes that will help you gain confidence in the promises of God. By the end of the thirty days, you will be well on your way to stumble-proof living and prepared to weather any storm.

Thirty Days To Everything You Need - Experience Guide
Dr David Jeremiah

I've designed this experience guide

so this book doesn't end up back on your shelf, with the principles soon forgotten.

Here's what your route through this guide will look like:

Surveying Your Life
On the first day of the chapter, we will determine where you are, so you better understand where you need to go. Be prepared for reflective questions that require honesty and transparency in your answers. This day will give you an accurate picture of where you need to grow.

Setting Your Course
You can see things clearly now, so it's time to prepare yourself mentally for what's ahead. On the second day, we'll dive deeper into the chapter and set our course of action.

Stepping Out
You know where you are and you're mentally prepared, so on day three it's time to take a step. I'll give you some practical ways to use the tools in your backpack. And as you apply these strategies, progress should be made in your spiritual life.

Thirty Days To Everything You Need - Experience Guide


A daily Scripture reference to guide you on your journey.

A reminder of the main idea from each chapter.

Every third day, I've left space for you to write out a prayer or to journal your thoughts. Feel free to write as much or as little as you want, but I encourage you to spend time reflecting on what God is teaching you. These signposts will allow you to look back at your path and see how far God has brought you on this thirty-day journey. There are additional journal pages in the back of the guide you can use if needed.

Note Cards
I included note cards for you to write Scripture on, so keep them close by—you'll need them regularly. One of the easiest ways to familiarize yourself with Scripture is to read it multiple times a day, so place these cards where you'll see them. Then read the verses aloud whenever you look at the cards.

Promise Guide
In the back of your guide, you'll also find a list of promises from God in the Bible. You can refer to this guide during the thirty days, as well as for years to come.

Thirty Days To Everything You Need - Experience Guide
Request Your Experience Guide

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Request Everything You Need today!

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