"Would you please partner with me in prayer this fall as we step out in mountain-moving faith to reach the world for Jesus Christ as never before?"
—Dr. David Jeremiah


This week's prayer:

by God's grace,

Turning Point is positioned to
multiply the impact of your gift as never before—
through a more extensive broadcast network,
a robust digital presence, greater reach into
parts of the world where Christians are persecuted,
and more effective means of reaching
every age group.

Seeing God Clearly Prayer Guide

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Let's take hold of what God has for us. Stand with me in focused prayer between now and Christmas. For the next eighteen weeks, let's pray and work and believe together, asking God to move in us and through us as never before.

I want this for you—and with all my heart, I want this for the multitudes of people around the world who are still missing out.

Your prayers and financial contributions will be a part of something HUGE that God is planning for this fall season!

  • Lost people need the Lord.
  • Believers need to be encouraged and emboldened.
  • Turning Point will point the way.

I urge your to be a part of it all, in two key ways...

1. Please support this ministry campaign in prayer.
Download and print the Seeing God Clearly Prayer Guide. Place it in your Bible, on your desk, or near your computer—anyplace where you will see it often. Let it inspire you to see God clearly in your life and in our world.

2. Please give a generous gift today to help us produce these eighteen critical weeks of television and radio broadcasts, online outreaches, resources, events, and more.

I want to thank you for your generosity, and bless you, by sending you our exclusive 2020 Turning Point calendar: Clearly God. Each year, it is one of Turning Point’s most popular resources, and supplies are limited. As you send your most generous gift possible, I urge you to request yours today.

Complete Prayer Schedule:

September 1 - 9

A Prayer to Begin

“Lord, in the midst of the world’s madness, thank You for being ever near to us! We know You are working on our behalf in all things, both good and bad, so we can CLAIM your promises, RECLAIM Your power, and PROCLAIM Your peace to others. May we be grounded in Your Word, strengthened by Your truth, and directed by Your Spirit! Let us pray without ceasing, preach wholeheartedly, and love unconditionally. Your blessings are certain. Your promises are unchanging. Your love is unfailing. Thank You. Amen!”

September 10 - 16

Claim Week!

“God, You have given me an abundance of promises! This week, I take ownership of those promises by claiming their purpose and power. Reveal more about Your promises to me and show me how to live them out! As I reacquaint myself with Your Word, help me to claim the grace You want me to experience...the freedom You want me to know...the life You want me to live in Jesus Christ. I claim all You have sacrificed to give me. I claim all that You promise to provide for me. I claim Your promises! ”

September 17 - 23

Pray for Turning Point Television

Dr. Jeremiah's The Great Disappearance is set to premiere on Turning Point Television in just a few days! Please pray that these eleven programs will find their way into hearts and homes everywhere. Our telecast typically reaches 2.95 million households every week—but with gripping openings and the compelling prophetic topic of the Rapture, we pray this eye-opening series will attract even MORE viewers to tune in and receive this Bible Strong teaching. The Great Disappearance will air every weekend throughout the fall in the United States, with specific programming dates for the weekday edition of Turning Point, Monday through Friday.

September 24 - 30

Pray for Turning Point Radio

Radio remains one of Turning Point's most effective delivery systems for the teaching of God’s Word worldwide—reaching homes, schools, cars, nursing homes, villages, and prisons. With only a few days before Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching about The Great Disappearance begins, please join with us in prayer this week as we ask God to prepare the hearts of millions who will tune in this October. Pray for His favor and blessing on Turning Point's radio program as we air each of the 22 programs 7,000 times in the USA alone during the month of October—that this teaching on the Rapture will be a wake-up call for millions and that souls will be saved, dedicated, and rededicated in the Lord!

October 1 - 7

Pray for Great Impact

Almighty God, your Word has power! This week, we claim the promise that wherever your Word is sent, it does not return void, but it accomplishes that which YOU please, and it prospers in the way YOU will. As the message of The Great Disappearance is shared with many through the printed word, we pray that you would see fit to do a mighty work. We ask that many might come to know the Lord as their Savior and Christians find a renewed sense of urgency to be a light in the world during these dark days!

October 8 - 14

Pray for Our Evangelism Efforts

Even as Turning Point presents the Gospel using traditional methods of media on radio and television, we’re also proactively harnessing the power of the Internet and social media to take God’s Word into one of the most fertile mission fields—the digital world. Please pray that God will use the thought-provoking content of the Perhaps Today pre-enactment productions to grab a hold of an audience who may not be looking for God. May they find Him and the hope of the Gospel through this compelling digital content as Turning Point shows up this fall on phones, computers, and other devices to be a witness.

October 15 - 21

Reclaim Week!

“Lord, let Your children reclaim all that You have given them. Let us reclaim the power granted us through the Holy Spirit. Reclaim Your power through the spiritual gifts we possess. Reclaim Your power that we may be used by You to change the world. Reclaim Your power to live as You would have us live! Father, thank You for reclaiming us as Your own through Your amazing grace! Let us be faithful, committed, and courageous people of faith, in You and for You!”

October 22 - 28

Pray for Turning Point's World Outreach

This week, join us in rededicating our ministry to the mission God has entrusted us together: Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world! Turning Point broadcasts in 16 languages and receives responses from more than 180 countries each week. Whether people access Dr. Jeremiah's teaching on radio, television, online, or on one of our nine unique language apps, millions can find solid Bible Strong teaching in their own language! Please pray God will bless our efforts to share His enduring Word around the world.

October 29 - November 4

Pray for the Turning Point Staff

It takes Dr. Jeremiah and more than 280 amazing individuals to keep the ministry of Turning Point moving forward. Not only has God grown our influence and impact over the years, but He continually brings us the gifted and dedicated staff necessary to create, oversee, and manage all areas of our expanding worldwide ministry. As our team moves into the hectic pace of year-end broadcasts, would you dedicate a time each day this week to pray for our staff? Ask the Lord for good health, sharpness of mind, keen stewardship, unbridled creativity, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading in all we do.This has been an unprecedented year in ministry and the demands in stepping into these opportunities have been great, so please pray for God's hand on the lives of each of our Turning Point staff. Thank you!

November 5 - 11

Pray for Our Nation

“Father, we know that if we as Your people, who are called by Your Name, humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face—turning from our wicked ways—You will hear us from heaven, forgive us of our sin, and heal our land. God, heal our land! Have Your hand over the hearts of our people as we approach a critical time in history. We pray for our nation. We pray for her citizens. We pray that we would seek Your face. We put our trust in You. Father, may we be a radiant reflection of Your love and grace in all that we do and say, knowing that You are in our tomorrow and the future is in Your control. Amen.”

November 12 - 18

Proclaim Week

“Dear Jesus, we can do nothing without You. We will not find peace in the world until we look to You. Your people are powerful to love, powerful to serve, powerful to teach, powerful to pray, and powerful to bring peace to this world. As a Turning Point family, we proclaim the Word of God throughout the world with solid Bible teaching on radio and television, in print and online. As we promise to stay dedicated to the spread of the Gospel, please bless this ministry and supply the needs of Turning Point.”

November 20 - 25

Prayer of Gratitude

“Father, all I have comes from You. I know joy because of Your love. I know grace because of Your forgiveness. I know peace because of Your promises. I know hope because of Your imminent return. All I have, all I am, and all I’ve accomplished is because of You. Thank You for what You have done for me—what You continue to do in my life—what You are about to do for me! I stand in awe of Your blessings, firmly grounded in gratitude for the ways You care for me. I love You. Thank You!”

November 26 - December 2

Pray for Christmas Outreach

Perhaps the greatest single evangelistic campaign in Turning Point history—Why the Nativity?—launched last Christmas. And now, Turning Point has a great opportunity to build on this success and reach even MORE of the world’s population with the Gospel each Christmas for generations to come—starting this holiday season. Please pray that as we air Why the Nativity? again this year that we will make an even greater impact on television, online, and in churches. And please also pray for the release of Why the Nativity? in four NEW languages this Christmas: Hindi, Telegu, Mandarin, and Arabic. With these languages added to our English and Spanish editions, Why the Nativity? will now be available in a total of six languages, with more to come in the years ahead! Let’s join our hearts together in prayer and shine a light on the Light of the World this Christmas season.

Thanks to your gift today...

someone will find Christ
through our daytime television broadcast...

or a young person
will fall in love with God's Word
through our new PASSAGES generational outreach.

Promises. Power. Peace. Imagine how different someone's life can become, when they see God clearly! This is the potential of our fall season of ministry together, for you, and others. Please take part. Give generously. Follow your gift with prayer. Let’s see what God will do—in us and through us!

Thank you in advance for standing with me and with Turning Point in this ministry. I look forward to receiving your gift and prayer support. It will be exciting to see how God answers our prayers and multiplies your donation.

God bless you,

David Jeremiah

The Lord will give strength to His people.
The Lord will bless His people with peace.

Psalm 29: 11

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