Price: AUD$5.00

Your Greatest Turning Point 3-Pack and Jeremiah Study Bible
Promotional Set
- Large Print NKJV Black Luxe Jeremiah Study BibleStudy Bible
- Your Greatest Turning Point three packShare Pack
Your Greatest Turning Point three pack

Price: AUD$5.00
Most of us want to be known, heard, and loved, but often we struggle to have these needs met.
There’s good news—God loves and knows each of us more than anyone else does! And He hears us when we call out to Him.
God longs to have a relationship with us, but our sin keeps us separated from Him. With this booklet, discover God’s love for you and His rescue plan that allows you to have a relationship with Him. Receive God’s gift of salvation and experience your greatest turning point. Finally, find hope and wisdom from God’s Word as you begin your relationship with your loving Father and continue to navigate life’s difficulties.
Includes three copies to share with the new believers and seeking souls in your life.

Your Greatest Turning Point 3-Pack and Jeremiah Study Bible
Promotional Set
- Large Print NKJV Black Luxe Jeremiah Study BibleStudy Bible
- Your Greatest Turning Point three packShare Pack