Turning Point is…
Did you know that Turning Point is a multigenerational, multicultural, and multiethnic ministry? From those in their 20s to those in their 80s, our staff comes from a plethora of backgrounds, countries, and cultures, and speaks over ten different languages.

We believe…
Everyone should
have the chance to
hear the Gospel
We are committed to fulfilling our mission of delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world. Embracing Acts 1:8, that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in their own language, regardless of where they reside, our diverse and growing team strives to reach individuals in their native tongue, be it English or any other dialect spoken across the globe.

So we are…
Broadcasting the
Gospel message in
16 languages
Broadcasts go out each week in 16 (and counting) languages, including Albanian, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesian, Farsi, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Igbo, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telegu, Ukrainian, and of course, English. Join us in this global endeavor as we spread the message of hope and salvation. Read on for an inside scoop on “How” and “Why” our international ministry operates and scan the QR code for a glimpes into Turning Point International.
Will you join us?
Not everyone is called to be the light that goes to all corners of the globe, but everyone can send the light. Our mission at Turning Point is to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world.
Will you join us?

I came to know the Lord right after communism fell in Albania. My heart was so eager for the freedom I found in Christ. You can imagine that in these 30 years the challenges have been many, but at the same time I have experienced God’s miracles one after the other. Your programs have been a blessing for me. Dr. David Jeremiah has opened my eyes to see what God is doing in my life. I can’t wait for the next program.

Dr. David Jeremiah, your teaching led me to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. All the KINGDOM SAT programs made me know who Christ really is. This humble and meek Person gave peace to my spirit. I look forward to the day when I can be baptized.

My wife Helen and I are both Christians that serve the Lord in Wollongong, enjoy watching your prophecy programs after our English Classes and Bible studies with Chinese International students each Sunday evening. Thank you for your biblical teaching and encouragement.

I praise the Lord for this program and I’m thankful to you, beloved, for creating and managing it every day. You are blessed people. I am a pastor and the Turning Point messages give me a greater understanding and satiety for the Word of God. This is also helping me to improve my English. I pray the Kingdom of God continues to be manifested through this program for our blessing and yours, and all the Christian brothers and sisters. Many thanks.

Dr. David Jeremiah may the Lord bless you and your ministry that is leading many to the knowledge and salvation of Jesus Christ. Connecting with your programs encourages me and helps me build a true and good relationship with the Lord.

I’m a young mom and recently had to emigrate to Finland because of a rare health issue my son has. When I heard the diagnosis of our son, in the beginning, it was very hard for us. He is our firstborn, and we prayed a lot for him. Why did God allow a challenge like this one? On those first days I would cry a lot and had no strength to pray. On those hard days, Dr. Jeremiah’s programs comforted our hearts and helped us to see above our circumstances. Thank you so much for teaching TRUTH.

I thank Dr. David Jeremiah for Turning Point TV Programmes and delivering the messages. Sir, your word has become a turning point in my life. After being married for four years, three months ago my wife died suddenly. I thought there was no God, I thought my prayers were not heard. I was depressed and scared. I thought my life was over. I couldn’t bear to live alone but unexpectedly I saw your programme on TV. Thank you for encouraging me and strengthening me with the word you gave through the Turning Point program.

I am 74 years old. I was browsing for radio stations and suddenly heard a broadcast that was so soothing and made me curious. I continued listening, and my interest in knowing more about Jesus grew…I was so curious about Jesus. When I called in, I was told who Jesus was, inviting me to pray with him. I prayed that I wanted to know the Lord Jesus Christ, and I asked Jesus to come into my heart to give me understanding and peace. Since then, I have been more and more interested in learning the truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. I surrender myself to be led by the Holy Spirit so I can understand His Word.

I had been watching the Turning Point program for over a week until finally, I found the courage to call and ask questions. I prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior and received a Bible to study more. I am very thankful that Jesus has saved me from sin and that the burden and guilt of sin have been completely lifted, and I know I’ve been forgiven!

I’m from Jamaica and I just want to thank you for giving me a great turning point experience. I’ve been watching your program for one year and it is because of this excellent program that made me realize I loved everything about the bible. I keep watching your program every day anticipating to learn more from you. You’re doing such an excellent work for Jesus Christ our Savior and I’m truly grateful for you and the work you have brought forth.

I was so depressed and often thought of taking my own life…My husband was an abusive Orthodox Jew that only said he loved God but treated me and my children very bad…Completely alone, I turned on the TV looking for something to take my mind off the pain. I saw a program with Dr. Jeremiah, and it calmed my soul…Week after week, I sought solace in these programs. I dared not tell my husband that I was beginning to believe in this Jesus. One night I forgot to turn off the TV as I was putting our children to bed, and he came home. I came into the room to see him in tears watching Turning Point. We spoke for many hours that night…Finally, he said to me that he believed that Jesus is the Messiah and we both prayed together for salvation. We are still learning what it means to be Christians in Israel, but God has changed his heart.

I follow most of Dr. David Jeremiah’s programs. I love the way he presents the Truth to Muslims, creating a hunger in them to know about salvation through Jesus. You are carrying the torch of knowledge and faith to guide people to Christ.

Excellent program! Since we accepted Christ in our lives, I have not missed a radio program. Whenever I don’t have the opportunity to listen in, I have the blessing of being able to listen to it online. May God continue to bless your radio ministry which has been of much edification to our spiritual life and our growing faith.

What a blessing to be able to watch programs that bring encouragement, clarity, and hope during this time of war. My 2 daughters and I are currently in Poland watching Dr. Jeremiah in the hotel provided to us. My husband is back home in Ukraine fighting in this unnecessary conflict. I’m often filled with such anxiety and fear to the point that I start to shake and can’t control myself. This last month has been so difficult and I’m trying to be strong for my family, but it is so hard. Watching Turning Point’s programs grounds me and reminds me of the amazing grace, power and love of our God. Thank you for reminding me of these truths. I stand on them and declare them over my life, my country, and my family.

Your program has been an instrument of transformation in my life. Through Dr. Jeremiah’s teachings, I’ve found hope and healing from past wounds. The program’s emphasis on God’s grace has been a turning point that led me to surrender and experience a profound sense of peace.