12 Habits of Truly Happy Christians Paperback Book

Price: AUD$30

Product Code: 12HBK

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In 12 HABITS OF TRULY HAPPY CHRISTIANS, pastor and Bible teacher Dr David Jeremiah writes about the benefits of developing biblical principles that will help you grow in your spiritual walk. He shares how choosing to pursue spiritual routines or habits that promote your walk with God helps reveal twelve habits of the happy Christian. And then Dr Jeremiah walks you through Jesus’ prescription for happiness—the Beatitudes—found in Matthew 5. This book is designed to encourage you to become intentional about what is important, to make the important things a priority, and to put aside the things that distract or discourage you in your life. As you make the deliberate choice to pursue these habits, you will draw closer to the Lord, the only true source of joy and happiness.
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Price: AUD$30

Product Code: 12HBK

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