Price: AUD$20.00

Jeremiah Bible Study Series: Gospels + Romans
Softcover Book
- Jeremiah Bible Study Series: RomansSoftcover Book
- 4 Gospel Bible Study Series Pack

Jeremiah Bible Study Series: John
Softcover Book
Jeremiah Bible Study Series: 1, 2, 3 John & Jude

Price: AUD$20.00
When reading 1-3 John and Jude together, we see the importance of balancing love and truth.
Love is a central and prevailing theme of all John's letters. Using persuasive words, he encourages his readers to share God's love through actions like obedience and hospitality. At the same time, he insists that spiritual discernment must co-exist with love in order to preserve the truth of the gospel and prevent the spread of false teaching.
The book of Jude enhances the idea of love and truth balancing each other out. Jude's exhortation is to persevere amidst false teaching; always proclaim the truth, and in love, be merciful and helpful to those who may be swayed by deceptive teaching.
In today's world, the line between love and tolerance grows increasingly more fuzzy. However, we can look to the wisdom in these four letters to better understand how God wants us to demonstrate love to others while standing firm in the truth of His Word.
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Jeremiah Bible Study Series: Gospels + Romans
Softcover Book
- Jeremiah Bible Study Series: RomansSoftcover Book
- 4 Gospel Bible Study Series Pack